Washington Fishing Calendar

Gold highlighted areas are peak fishing times for salmon & steelhead
in Washington.
� indicate fishable months. Best sturgeon fishing
dates/times at bottom. |
Crab Creek Lakes
Cowlitz River
� |
� |
Hoh River
Kalama River |
� |
� |
� |
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Klickitat River |
� |
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Puget Sound
Quillayute System
Queets River
Skagit River
Stillaguamish River
Sauk River
Skykomish River
Snoqualmie River
Wind River /
Drano |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
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Reservoir (Kokanee salmon) |
� |
� |
Yakima River
Ocean Charters
Salmon / Bottomfish |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
Ocean Charters
Halibut / Tuna (Seasons vary) |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
Crabbing |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
� |
Good Fishing |
� |
Fishing |
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More locations
] |
White Sturgeon
Best sturgeon fishing, upper Columbia River above
Bonneville Dam - (January-April).
Mid river, Bonneville to Wauna - (October-March). Lower river Wauna to mouth -
Oversize sturgeon (100-300 pounds) below Bonneville Dam - (late April-early
Best walleye fishing, upper Columbia River above
Bonneville Dam - (March-October).
Below Bonneville Dam - (July-Sept).
Whale Watching
By early
April, almost 20 percent of the eastern Pacific population of gray whales are
off the coast of Washington. The rest are strung out along the Pacific Coast of
North America from Central California to SE Alaska on their journey north.
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WA fishing reports ]
A Fishing License as well as applicable tags should be obtained prior to your
Prices: Oregon- $12.00
purchase online. Washington- $9.00 purchase
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Washington ]
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Halibut seasons:
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Washington ] [
About Pacific Halibut ]
Pacific halibut fishery information NMFS
Halibut catch reports ]
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Sound Seattle fishing charters, Seattle fishing trips, fishing guide,
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WA, sport fishing charters, Fishing guide, Puget Sound salmon charters,
fishing charters Seattle, fishing Seattle, Seattle Salmon Fishing
Washington Fishing Reports 11/12/08
North Puget Sound
Heavy rains and high winds made fishing difficult in mid-November. Many
freshwater fisheries are on hold as anglers wait for several swollen rivers
to drop back into shape. Fishing effort also is down on Puget Sound as
saltwater anglers wait for blustery conditions to subside.
"Fishing has been tough
recently throughout the region, mostly due to the poor weather," said Steve
Thiesfeld, WDFW fish biologist. "We’ve seen a big drop in angler effort out
there, but that will likely pick up once weather conditions become more
Once the weather does
improve, Thiesfeld recommends fishing for blackmouth salmon
- resident chinook - in marine areas 9 (Admiralty Inlet) and 10
(Seattle/Bremerton). Anglers fishing Marine Area 10 can keep one chinook as
part of a two-salmon daily limit. Those fishing in Marine Area 9 also have a
two-salmon daily limit but can keep up to two hatchery chinook per day. Wild
chinook salmon, which have an intact adipose fin, cannot be brought aboard
the boat in Marine Area 9.
Thiesfeld reminds
anglers that there are still a lot of shakers out in the Sound, and suggests
using larger spoons and plugs to minimize the catch of those juvenile
chinook. "Treat those fish with extreme care when releasing them because
they are next year's crop of blackmouth," he said.
Sport crabbing
also is an option out on the Sound. Marine areas 6 (eastern Strait of Juan
de Fuca), 9 (Admiralty Inlet), 10 (Seattle/Bremerton) and 12 (Hood Canal)
recently reopened for sport crabbing seven days a week through Jan. 2. Crab
fishing also remains open seven days a week through Jan. 2 in marine areas 4
(Neah Bay), 5 (Sekiu), and 13 (south Puget Sound), where the fishery has
continued uninterrupted since June 18.
Sport crabbing will not
reopen this year in marine areas 7 (San Juan Islands), 8-1 (Deception Pass,
Hope Island and Skagit Bay), 8-2 (Port Susan and Port Gardner) or 11
(Tacoma/Vashon Island), where the summer catch reached the annual quota.
The daily catch limit in
Puget Sound is five Dungeness crab, males only, in hard-shell condition with
a minimum carapace width of 6� inches. In addition, fishers may catch six
red rock crab of either sex per day, provided those crab measure at least 5
inches across. Additional information is available on the WDFW website at
Meanwhile, freshwater
anglers waiting for rivers to become fishable again might want to try
casting for trout at Beaver Lake. About 1,800 hatchery
rainbows - averaging approximately 3 to 5 pounds each - were recently
released in the lake. Beaver Lake, one of several westside lowland lakes
open to fishing year-round, is best fished by small boat, although anglers
can also be successful fishing from shore. The daily bag limit is five fish,
and bait anglers must keep the first five trout they catch.
Before heading out to
the lakes, rivers, or Puget Sound, anglers should check the rules and
regulations for fisheries in WDFW's Fishing in Washington pamphlet
South Sound/Olympic
Fall rainstorms temporarily stalled chum fishing in
mid-month, but anglers can look forward to catching some winter-run
steelhead once rivers drop back into shape. Meanwhile, the
late-season Dungeness crab fishery is now under way in a
number of marine areas, and a razor-clam dig is coming up
Salmon fishing on
coastal rivers has been hampered by recent heavy rains, but catch rates
should improve once the weather gets better, said Scott Barbour, WDFW fish
biologist. "Virtually every river is out of shape right now, but on the
bright side, the rain is also bringing in the fish," he said.
By the time conditions
improve, anglers can start thinking about the winter steelhead
season, Barbour said. "December is the big month for hatchery steelhead on
the North Olympic Peninsula - including the Quillayute River system ad Hoh
River - but early returns start showing up around Thanksgiving," he said.
Starting Dec. 1, wild steelhead retention rules go into effect on those
rivers. Before heading out, anglers are advised to review retention rules in
WDFW's 2008/2009 Fishing in Washington pamphlet (wdfw.wa.gov/fish/regs/fishregs.htm).
Four evening
razor clam digs are scheduled at Copalis and Mocrocks Nov. 13-16,
while Long Beach and Twin Harbors are scheduled for three evening digs Nov.
14-16. Kalaloch Beach in Olympic National Park is closed for the fall season
due to a low abundance of razor clams.
Evening low tides during the dig are at 6:27 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13 (-1.6
ft.), 7:15 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14 (-1.8), 8:04 p.m. Saturday Nov. 15 (-1.6),
8:54 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 16 (1.2).
Clam diggers are
encouraged to take lights or lanterns with them due to the timing of the low
tides. He also recommends checking weather and surf forecasts before heading
out. Digging is restricted to the hours between noon and midnight.
Harvesters are allowed
to take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 they dig,
regardless of size or condition. Each digger's clams must be kept in a
separate container.
A license is required
for anyone age 15 or older. Any 2008 annual shellfish/seaweed license or
combination fishing license is valid. Another option is a razor-clam only
license available in annual or three-day only versions. Descriptions of the
various licensing options are available on the WDFW website at
. Clam diggers are not
required to display their licenses on outer clothing.
Meanwhile, as the
chum salmon season nears its peak, the big fish can be
found in virtually every small stream in the area. The most popular fishing
spots include the mouth of Kennedy Creek on Totten Inlet (where 68 anglers
were checked with 13 fish on Nov. 8 and 9) and near the Hoodsport Hatchery
on Hood Canal (where 91 shore anglers recently landed 177 chum). Anglers are
reminded that the daily limit on the Hoodsport "hatchery zone" is four
salmon, with a maximum of two chinook.
Although the chum
fishery is producing results for anglers, the overall run size is lower than
expected, said Steve Thiesfeld, WDFW fish biologist. "We now expect to see
about 350,00 chum returning to south Puget Sound, which is about half our
original forecast," he said. "We’ll learn more as the season progresses."
Other areas now open to
chum-salmon fishing include the Dosewallips and Duckabush rivers in
Jefferson County, and Minter Creek in Pierce/Kitsap counties. Thiesfeld
advises anglers to check WDFW's 2008/2009 Fishing in Washington
pamphlet (http://wdfw.wa.gov/fish/regs/fishregs.htm
) for other stream openings and closures.
Thiesfeld also noted
that November's blackmouth fishery off Sekiu (Marine Area
5) has been producing results for those making the trip north. "The effort’s
been low, but folks going out have been averaging a fish per rod," he said.
crab fishing got under way Nov. 1 in four marine areas of Puget
Sound and will be open seven days a week through Jan. 2. Crab fishing is
open in marine areas 6 (eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca), 9 (Admiralty
Inlet), 10 (Seattle/Bremerton) and 12 (Hood Canal).
Crab fishing will also
remain open seven days a week through Jan. 2 in marine areas 4 (Neah Bay), 5
(Sekiu), and 13 (south Puget Sound), where the fishery has continued
uninterrupted since June 18.
The daily catch limit in
Puget Sound is five Dungeness crab, males only, in hard-shell condition with
a minimum carapace width of 6� inches. In addition, fishers may catch six
red rock crab of either sex per day, provided those crab measure at least 5
inches across. Additional information is available on the WDFW website at
Southwest Washington
Winter-run steelhead are moving into Columbia River
tributaries where anglers are still catching hatchery coho
, but fishing success for both species depends a great deal on the weather.
Rainstorms, followed by clear skies, have made stream conditions highly
variable in recent days.
"The Kalama River has
been running high and dirty, but fishing conditions could improve there and
elsewhere if the rain lets up," said Joe Hymer, WDFW fish biologist.
"Especially at this time of year, it really pays to check river conditions
before you head out."
Hymer recommends that
anglers check stream-flow conditions on two websites before leaving home:
traditionally marks the start of the fishery for winter-run hatchery
steelhead , although the season is already under way on several
tributaries to the lower Columbia River. On the Grays River, fishing for
hatchery steelhead opens from the mouth to the Highway 4 Bridge on Nov. 15.
But the best bets for
hooking up with hatchery steelhead or coho salmon right now
are the Lewis and Cowlitz rivers, where dams help to moderate stream flows,
Hymer said. On the Lewis River, anglers have been averaging about one
hatchery coho for every two rods, although about half of those fish were
released because they had turned dark. Some bright winter steelhead have
also been showing up in the catch. Bank anglers had the best luck fishing
near the salmon hatchery.
Bank and boat anglers
are also catching hatchery steelhead - some weighing in the teens -
downstream from the trout hatchery on the Cowlitz River. They are also
still catching some hatchery coho, although that run is clearly winding
down. As of Nov. 5, more than 47,000 adult coho had returned to the
hatchery, already one of the top 10 returns to that facility on record. In
addition, nearly 10,300 coho jacks were counted by that date, the
second-highest return since 1990.
Sea-run hatchery
cutthroat are also keeping anglers busy fishing below the Cowlitz
Trout Hatchery. More than 4,700 cutthroat had returned to the salmon and
trout hatcheries through Nov. 5, and more are still on the way.
The fishery below the
trout hatchery is ideal for anglers who permanently use a wheelchair,
because Tacoma Power built a fishing site specially for them at the hatchery
outfall. The daily trout limit is five fish per day, with a minimum length
of 12 inches. Most returning fish average 14 inches, Hymer said.
Anglers are still
reeling in some legal-size sturgeon from the Wauna power
lines upstream to Bonneville Dam, but the fishery - like the water
temperature - is starting to cool down. Hymer suspects the action will
shift to the area around the Willamette River, where higher water
temperatures are more inviting to chilled sturgeon.
In October, anglers made
16,000 fishing trips to catch Columbia River white sturgeon and took home
3,000 legal-size fish, Hymer said.
Eastern Washington
Sprague Lake, on the Lincoln-Adams county line, continues to produce fast
and fat catches of rainbow trout , at least for anglers
willing to brave recent rain and wind. Chris Donley, WDFW district fish
biologist from Spokane, said hatchery trout stocked last spring are at least
16 inches long and many are one-and-a-half pounds. Donley reminded anglers
the daily catch limit is five trout.
Southwest Spokane
County’s Amber Lake remains open for catch-and-release-only fishing through
November for rainbow and cutthroat trout
Snake River
hatchery steelhead fishing continues to be productive, according to
anecdotal reports at this time. The latest WDFW creel surveys will be posted
North Central Washington
Bob Jateff, WDFW district fish biologist from Omak, said the
hatchery steelhead fishery on the upper Columbia River that opened
Nov. 6 continues with a daily catch limit of two adipose-fin-clipped
hatchery steelhead of at least 20 inches. The open area is from Rocky Reach
Dam upstream to 400 feet below Wells Dam. Steelhead with an intact adipose
fin, and those bearing an anchor floy tag, must be immediately released
unharmed without being removed from the water.
Jateff explained this
special fishery (not listed in the rules pamphlet) targets the abundant
return of hatchery fish that exceeds the number needed to meet spawning
goals. Removing hatchery-origin steelhead allows more wild steelhead onto
the spawning grounds to help further wild fish recovery efforts. Jateff
encourages anglers to keep the first two hatchery steelhead caught to help
protect the wild population.
Night closure and
selective gear rules apply. While anglers are required to use single,
barbless hooks and knotless nets, motorized vessels and bait are allowed.
The fishery is scheduled to remain open through March 31, 2009, but could
close earlier if the allowable incidental impact to wild steelhead is
Jateff also noted the
Similkameen River, from its mouth to 400 feet below Enloe Dam, will open to
fishing for adipose fin-clipped hatchery-origin steelhead Nov. 15 and
continue until further notice. Jateff said this special fishery (also not
listed in the rules pamphlet) is designed to achieve the same goal as the
upper Columbia -- reduce the number of excess hatchery-origin steelhead and
increase the proportion of natural-origin steelhead on the spawning grounds.
"It will improve genetic
integrity and stock recruitment of upper Columbia River steelhead through
perpetuation of steelhead stocks with the greatest natural-origin lineage,"
he said. "So again, we strongly encourage anglers to retain the first two
adipose fin-clipped hatchery-origin steelhead caught. And once you’ve caught
your two fish, you’re done for the day."
Jateff reminds
Similkameen steelheaders to immediately release any steelhead with an intact
adipose fin without removing it from the water, and to release any steelhead
with an anchor floy tag attached. Selective gear rules and night closure
apply. Whitefish gear rules do not apply during steelhead season.
Fall fishing on the
Columbia Basin’s Potholes Reservoir , where water levels are rising, is
producing largemouth bass from the Sand Dunes area and
walleye for trollers. Big rainbow trout
from earlier net pen releases also continue to be caught.
South Central Washington
The fishery for hatchery steelhead in the Ringold area of
the Columbia River near the Tri-Cities has been picking up this month with
anglers allowed to keep any hatchery steelhead with a clipped adipose fin.
Earlier in the season anglers were restricted to keeping only those with
both a clipped adipose fin and a clipped right ventral fin, said Paul
Hoffarth, WDFW fish biologist from Pasco.
"The dual clippings identify fish reared in the Ringold Hatchery," Hoffarth
said. "Until November, we target those fish exclusively to make sure we get
enough fish above Priest Rapids Dam to meet escapement goals."
The fishery is open
through March 31, 2009 from the Highway 395 bridge at Pasco/Kennewick
upstream to the wooden powerline towers at the old Hanford town site.